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Amin 29/06 12 Why why why?

I used to be a boy young and slim,
Until diabetes turned me into a wimp.
I used to have ketone acidosis,
Now I’m as fat as a hippopotamus.
Diabetes diabetes why why why?
Blood test blood test why why why?
Injections and insulin why why why?
I’m scared I’m furious
And extremely curious
Somebody tell me why why why?
Sometimes I feel like curling up in bed
Other days I wish I was even dead
My mother says blood test blood test
Can’t she see I want a rest?
I need a rest I need a break
Can’t I just go down to the lake?
Without someone looking over my back
I would really just love to relax.
I have feelings I have needs
I don’t want a finger that always bleeds
Blood test blood test day in day out
It’s like I’m a dead Brussel sprout
Prayers I say every day, nearly almost
That’s the only thing that gets me through my insulin dose.
I’m Amin I’m 12 years old
I want to be a bird nice and free
Not locked up in a cage without a key.

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