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This essay is by:

Brandon * 11 years sent in 31 May 2008
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My Life With Diabetes

My name Brandon and I'm a type 1 diabetic. I found out on February 26th 2008, it was a big surprise!

My mum noticed that I was drinking a lot and going to the loo all the time. While she was on holiday I stayed at my Nan's and I couldn't stop drinking and going to the toilet. When my Mum and step-dad got back they took me to the doctors.

But it wasn't too bad staying there because I got to do lots of drawing, which I like, and I played on the playstations.

The doctors and nurses explained everything to me and my Mum about how to look after myself or it will make me bad.

Now I have to check my blood sugar four times a day and I have to do my insulin three times a day and it hurts me sometimes but I'm ok with it.

It's weird at school but my teacher explained everything to my class and my friends have been fine with it. They know that sometimes I have to eat at odd times but other than that I can join in with everything.

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Thanks for reading this essay.
This is one of the contributions to the 2008 DIABETES ESSAY COMPETITION organised by DrWillem.
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