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This essay is by:

Sophie * 10 years sent in 17 May 2008
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Mission Possible.

Hi my name is Sophie I am 10 years old. I was brought into hospital on Easter Tuesday and had to stay there for a week. When I got out of hospital and came home my oh my there was a big shock from my Dad my brothers and my sisters. After this was all over my class were going on this school trip to the North West 200 in Portrush and I really wanted to go but I just couldn't go because I was only out of hospital and I felt really left out because I was the only on in my class who wasn't going so instead of going to the North West I went to Ballymena with my Mum, Dad and my Sister to get some stuff.

A few months after the North West my diabetic nurse came in to talk to my class about diabetes and how important it is to have other name is Carolanne she is very nice.

October 2007
This date was the date I started my brand new injections it is called basal bolus it gives me more flexibility around life it is easier to deal with but you have to take Four injections a day and if I have sports I always take less NovoRapid. The nighttime injection is called Levemir I always take 6.5 units at night So as you can see diabetes is MISSION POSSIBLE

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Thanks for reading this essay.
This is one of the contributions to the 2008 DIABETES ESSAY COMPETITION organised by DrWillem.
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