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This essay is by:

Chana * 13 years sent in 20 April 2008
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My whole life according to diabetes.

My world is probably ordinary ....if you have diabetes that is! If you've lived a long period of your life without diabetes and then you suddenly find out you have it, then you will probably find the world of diabetes a very strange place to be!
How? You ask, well let me share bit of my life and memories with you!

Well first of you have the joy of being on a roller coaster 24/7 but sorry to tell you its not the type of roller coaster you wait in line for get onto it and sit there and think oh my God what am I doing? and if you're really scared, get off before it's too late, but if you're brave enough to stay on, at the end of the ride to get off and wait in line just to have that thrill all over again! This one is different you don't have to wait in line you just get on (you have no choice) If your scared there is no getting off well honestly there's no getting of at all what an earth am I talking about? Blood sugar levels! You're always up, down, up and if you do manage to get them just right they never stay that way for long! Its like when I have a high blood sugar I feel as if Iam at the top of the rollercoaster looking down at that massive drop your lips are so dry your shaking and your stomach is turning and you feel as if your about to throw up not just your dinner but all your ! guts as well and its not much better when your at the bottom of the rollercoaster it feels as if your whole body is just about to fall through your bottom! The worst part of blood sugar is when you feel all upside down when your high or low it feels as if the rollercoaster has just broken down in the worst possible place it can (when your upside down!)its as if your dangling from your seat and the whole world is rushing past but none of it seems to make any sense to you somebody says to you "Oh well isn't this just great!" but instead you hear it as "great this just well isn't Oh! and it takes time for you to work out what they mean!

Don't eat that, you can't eat this at the moment; you're too high, you're to low, have some food before you go to bed, make sure you eat before you go out! I could go on and on and on about endless things that; people say to make sure my blood sugars are as good as they can be!

Then you have all those little funny strange and can be insulting comments that people make!
1. Once someone at school asked me what my blood sugar was and I was a bit afraid to tell them just in case they called my mum but they asked again thinking I hadn't heard them so I told them 27.7!the reply? Oh that's brilliant Chana well done you're keeping your blood sugar levels in order! And they WERNT being sarcastic!
2. Then there is one of the funniest ones I have heard of course if you're not diabetic then this may not seem at all strange to you! Telling someone that you feel low and then they say oh, well you better take some insulin then!
3. Then there's the most common one I have heard. After explaining to someone about your condition and what it means, they then come up to you and ask so when are you going to grow out of it then?
4. One of the insulting ones I have heard is when, People assume that you have got it because you haven't got a healthy diet or because of your weight!
5. Another insulting one is when you're going into hospital because you had a stomach bug and one of the nurse's says Oh who hasn't been looking after there diabetes then?
6. One of my personal favourites is when you're sitting down doing your injection and two old ladies walk past and one tries to whisper Oh look Margaret that young girl is doing drugs!!! Then your friends burst out laughing hysterically

Having diabetes doesn't mean you can't still do all the things you want to do like Go to town, swimming, to the park, to the beach, or even the bit more exciting things like skiing, snowboarding etc you can even go to the extreme by going bungee jumping though I suppose you will have a hypo while your dropping through the air and bouncing back up! You can still do all of those things, of course it just may take longer to get ready well you have all those questions, Have you done your blood sugar?, have you had enough to eat?, have you taken your insulin?, did you give the right amount?, have you got enough needles to take with you?, have you got enough insulin with you?, have you got your glucose tablets? You will hear those questions about 10 times before you leave the house and about 5 times when you finally get through the door!

Diabetes doesn't take over your life but it seems to come in to nearly every thing you do e.g. your sitting in your house and there's a knock at you door you have a parcel! What is it? An early/late Birthday present? something you've ordered? Someone borrowed something off you and has sent it back? Or it's just a letter of a friend? No it's a blood sugar machine!! Or a new insulin pen or a letter from your diabetic group! Your whole life seems to some how revolve around your diabetes. In a way I guess it's a bit like being famous! when you step out your door when your famous every one takes pictures asks to speak to you is surprised at what your wearing, you walk down the street you have people flowing you shouting questions you've heard so many times you could say it backwards inside out or even running away from a hungry lion!
Well when you're diabetic it's just the same but without all the money and glamour!
You step out side your door, you're asked a million and one questions, that you have heard and heard and heard and you always give the same answer! You walk down the street there's some one following you shouting have got this have got that oh look you forgot this! Until you finally turn a corner and they can't see you no more and then you still get the odd text!
Your friends think you're lucky
You get to leave class early! Yea to do your injection! How fun!
You can go out of class anytime you like!: because you feel low! Isn't that a great felling!
You can eat during lessons!: because you are low! I think id rather wait till dinner!
If you're late to class you have a useful excuse even if it had nothing to do with your diabetes! : Well yea that is a good thing!
You get to wear a bracelet or a necklace!: well identity bracelet (to say your diabetic!)
You won't get fat because you can't eat so much junk food! So you can wear bikinis and look fab!: yea you have all those bruises and bumps from you injections! That's not so flattering!

So life as a diabetic is a bit different maybe even a bit strange and it definitely can be annoying but you get used to it and it becomes a part of who you are and always will be! Sometimes you do think how would I be if I didn't have diabetes would I be as healthy as Iam now? Would I be healthier? Would it be that much better not to have someone running down the road because you forgot something! I don't think so! I love having my comedy of my sister running down the road in her slippers because I forgot my blood sugar machine when I wad going to town! Its not just your life that changes your family and friends lives change too!

That's life as a diabetic! :D

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Thanks for reading this essay.
This is one of the contributions to the 2008 DIABETES ESSAY COMPETITION organised by DrWillem.
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