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This essay is by:

Olivia * 13 years sent in 14 April 2008
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That night in hospital...

I can't really remember being diagnosed with diabetes but i'll try my best. It all started when i was on holiday in spain, it was two days before we were about to leave and i began feeling sick. I looked extremely thin and i felt as though i had no energy, so i decided to have something to drink. I chose a bottle of lucozade and immedietley threw up. I lay in the hotel bed crying, we'd planned a wonderful last day and i was unable to enjoy it.

When it was time to leave the hotel for the airport i packed plenty of plastic bags, just in case i was to be sick again. Unfortunatley I was, about 12 times. I had to try so hard to stay awake, there was a lot of walking to do and i could barely stand up. lukily there was no delay so we borded the plane straight away. I went straight asleep and awoke about three hours later to find that we were about to land.

After a day full of travelling i was just made-up to be out side my house, as soon as my dad opened the door i rushed to bed i woke up when i felt sick and couldn't really go back to sleep. My mum and dad just mistaked it for a bug though.

At about 12 o'clock that night i woke up with terrible pains in my back and i was struggling to breath. my mum took me to A and E and i was now almost in a diabetic coma the. I could hear nurses checking me with a finger prick, i opened my eyes and heard that i had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and had an enormas amount of ketones. I was scared because i didn't have a clue what this meant and i began to cry. I went straight to intensive care where i stayed for three whole days.

It was horrible because i was very thursty but wasn't allowed to drink. My mum stayed with me the whole time unfortunatly my dad and brother had a stomach bug and were unable to visit me. After three days the wires and tubes were finally removed from me and i was allowed to drink a proper glass of water. I was still drowsy but was allowed out of intensive care and into the childrens ward. I learnt everything about diabetes here and was finally on the mend. After another three days i was allowed to go home.

Diabetes has changed me alot but now i am much stronger, i have more goals to achieve and more dreams to fulfil. one of my goals is to become a champions kickboxer and to do this i need control over my diabetes. After two years i have finally gained good control over my condition and i am now very confident.

My family and friends have helped me alot through my bad times and have been there when i needed them most, we now all understand diabetes and i am respected fully among them. I don't know what i would do without them.

My advice is to stay strong and confident. You control your diabetes it is not the other way round.

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Thanks for reading this essay.
This is one of the contributions to the 2008 DIABETES ESSAY COMPETITION organised by DrWillem.
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