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This essay is by:

Linda * 14 years sent in 6 April 2008
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Us and Diabetes.

When I first found out Nicola had been diagnosed with diabetes I felt sorry for Nicola because she would have to get jags all the time and go to hospital a lot to get tests but in a way I also felt scared, incase I had diabetes too. I don't do needles. It was the week leading up to Christmas and Nicola had been really ill. My mum had taken her to the doctors on a number of occasions but they never even tested her bloods.

The first day when Nicola was in hospital was horrible she was up on all theses drips and machines as her other organs were all affected by now and she was only 2 stones in weight and she was 2 months off her 7th birthday. My mum stayed with Nicola while she was in hospital and my dad went up during the day and they had to learn how to give her injections before they would let her out but Christmas was only a couple of days away and we all just wanted home to have everyone together. When we went back to school after the New Year Nicola's bloods weren't settled and the office staff used to phone my mum at work to come and take her home all the time instead of listening to me and Nicola, we could have sorted it but adults don't listen to children and that annoys me. Its been a tough journey for Nicola and the rest of the family as we can never seem to get her hba1c down it always seems to be high.

Nicola has since been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and this is even harder than the Diabetes but with the 2 of them together it's a nightmare as a lot of Gluten Free foods are high in sugar so what do you do, put up the insulin which isn't good.

Then there's the long term complications too but life's too short to think about all the what ifs, life for today and that's what Nicola does and we will be here to support her all the way. Yes there are worse conditions in life but when you need to live with this condition every day it does and can get you down but you just have to look at Nicola and watch her getting up to mischief then your not long in smiling again.

We just hope that a cure or another treatment is found in Nicola's lifetime as taking 4 injections a day isn't any fun at all.

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This is one of the contributions to the 2008 DIABETES ESSAY COMPETITION organised by DrWillem.
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