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This essay is by:

Amanda * 13 years sent in 6 March 2008
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Me, Myself and I.

It was the 25th of October 2007 a normal day in the half term holidays...or so I thought. I had been to Southend-on-sea the day before and I had arranged to go to the zoo the next day with a friend and my family. For quite a few weeks before I was diagnosed I had been getting VERY thirsty even if I just had a drinks I would still be thirsty, because of this I was going to the toilet alot and I was also feeling a bit more tired than usual my family started to notice this so my mum took me to the doctors. I was so so scared to go to the doctors because I was scared of what they could tell me. I was also worried about the chance that I might have blood taken (but I didn't). As soon as I entered the doctors I panicked my palms were sweaty and stomach turned but the worst thing was that echoing sound of the doctor calling my name, it was my turn. I walked to the doctor's room with my mum and I thought that my legs were going to give way. I sat down in the chair next to the doctor she turned to ask me what was wrong, and my mind went blank and my throat was dry, my mum started to tell the doctor my symptoms I couldn't think. The next thing I know I was being asked to do a urine sample I felt really weird having to hand someone that only met 5 minuets my urine! I was asked to come back at 4pm later that day so me my mum and my dad went to Peterborough. When the clock turned 4pm that nervous feeling in my stomach returned. We arrived back at the doctors and I was seen by a female nurse she said that they had the results from my test back she excused herself and after about 2 minutes she returned with another female nurse. The lady who had just came in sat down next to me and asked if I know what was wrong with me I told her that I had no idea and she said to me the scariest 5 words I'd ever heard 'You have type 1 Diabetes' I froze anything that people said to me didn't go in I got in to the car with my mum, she drove home and got out the car I asked to stay in while she got dad. She called my friend Ellie to tell her that we won't be going out tomorrow because I might still be in the hospital. We travelled up to Hinchingbrooke Hospital and I finally let my feelings out I burst in to tears and the things going around my head were 'What am I going to do?' 'How on earth am I going to inject my self everyday?' and the most constant thing I thought about was 'Why me?' I arrived at the hospital and had alot of test done on me and I was also asked alot of questions but I knew I was ok because I have my parents with me and also the nurses and consultants were amazing people! By 9pm my head and hurting and I was so tired I just wanted to cry and never stop. From the three days I was in hospital surrounded by ill children in a way I felt so selfish when I saw these kids because the more I thought about I was so lucky to not have what these kids did. I know that there is help and people to talk to but I had to get to grips with that if I didn't want the help or to talk about it then no one could do anything for me. All of it was on my shoulders me, myself and I and no one else.

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Thanks for reading this essay.
This is one of the contributions to the 2008 DIABETES ESSAY COMPETITION organised by DrWillem.
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