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Joiada 17/06 13 The secret life I have.

The secret of this diagnosis was ment to be kept between me and my diary,
especially not shared with people even out of bribary.
But when all of a sudden it reaches your whole year.
The sadness inside you wants to shed a tear.

Seeing people and saying ohh gosh what do they think.
Looking around and round having that twitchy blink.
Day after day they say why is this sick child coming into school.
walking all lonely and being treated like a fool.

but the other side of me is saying
don't you worry your still the same.
One day this illness might go
and i will even have more fame.

PRICK! oooouuch. the blood travels onto the machine, i see a 2.3 well that means some ice-cream for me.
that takes about 12units to bring it up,
one day it might be over and ill be at the top.!

Living life like this doesnt make You the odd one out,
It just means u got to stick to eating healthy,yeah maybe have some trout.
Your diet is just not the same as friends maybe once in a while u can drop in a sweet,
Don't you worry there's lots more kids like you who are waiting to meet.

so the next time you take take some time
and think in this world why am i alone,
just pick up the fone and call the friends
and you'll know wherever you are you'll feel just at home.

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