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Catherine 09/05 13 Life saver.

It's now been 8 years since i was diagnosed with diabetes , seems like forever and i know i have a long way to go but theese past few weeks have made me change my way alot. I'd been involvcved with TAC which is where people from school and your parents get help to try and get you betterr and healthier, so i was going to theese meetings md also haveing other meetings to help, at that time i was smoking drikning and doing solvents and i didnt really care about my diabetes , the easter holidays were comming up and me and my friends had ALOT planned ! the first weekend i had to figure out by myself , i was meant to be staying with my dad , my mum thought i was , i tld my dad i was at my mum's, Perfect! so i told dad i just had to nip to the shop and get mum some milk , in my hoodie pocket i had my phone , lantus ,£20 , spare pants and baccy , so my dad let me go , so i headed of to my mates house and we had planned to go to town and meet up with some other mates we met up with them and we spent a few hours in town then went back to her house and i checked my phone and i had 7 missed calls off my mum and 24 missed calls off my dad !!! i also had a text from my dad saying " me and your mum know everything come back now or you are in serious trouble" i ignored it and turned my phone off. that night we all went out drinking and me and one other girl got paraletic , i dont remeber much from that night but my mates filled me in , after 3 hours of drinking we went back to my mates house and apparently slept it off and we did this for the next few days , the next morning i was beeing sick loads , i had all the symotoms of ketoacidoses and i called my house phone but no one answered , my mum had taken my brother to the fracture clinic as he fractured his collar bone so i got the ambulance to take me there and i was in hospital for three days i had no visitos and my mum knew i was in there , but the second day my social worker came and said i would be allowed out the next day and my dad would come and pick me up , i would spend the weekend with him and then i would go into care , i was tkane to a foster family and i had never heard of where i was going before , it was on a farm since ive been there things have got alot better i dont drink and ive stopped doing slovents , i do still smoke but not ass much , im turning my life around , i have much better control of my diabetes and i feel great , things are getting much better , i know my mum is proud of me and i dont want to let her down.

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