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Catherine 01/05 11 Miss.

Hello my name is Catherine, I am 11 years old and I love yellow. I have been diabetic for 4 whole years (and a bit) and have got much better at handling it.

Recently I have moved on to an insulin pump. It has helped my diabetes a lot but it still needs a few adjustments to get it right! I really like the pump in loads of different ways. One thing good about it is that you can give it a personalized touch by putting a skin (a big sticker) on it. There are loads of different ones to choose from (I am hoping to get a hundreds and thousands one and a ducky skin!). Another thing is you don’t have to do injections. Before I had to fiddle around with a needle, inject myself, take the needle off, then da di da di da (it goes on forever). On the pump all you have to do is press a few buttons. My Doctor and my diabetes nurse said I was doing really well because I was already changing my insertion site and pressing all of the buttons by myself!! I only got the pump in December. I felt really pleased with myself.

Before I got the pump I had a test for it (I called it the multiple cartwheel test). My test was to see if my pump could stay on my trousers while I did some cartwheels. Gladly it worked so I can do as many cartwheels as I want!

My hobbies are mainly dancing and tennis. I do four types of dancing, and tennis with one of my best friends Izzy. I started dancing when I was about 3, and have been dancing ever since. I dance in my bedroom, I dance at school, I dance at my dance class (obviously)...I dance EVERYWHERE!! When I found out I was diabetic it didn’t change me doing things other people do (I probably do more things than quite a few people).I am very active, and in my spare time I like to bounce on my trampoline, play on my swing or go for a bike ride.

My diabetes has not really affected my life. I have just walked up a huge mountain called Skiddaw. It didn’t make it harder for me (well my dad didn’t finish it but I won’t talk about that too much!) I was doing cartwheels near the top and rolling in the freezing snow. It was so fun!!! I have been to Giggleswick on a diabetes UK holiday with loads of other people who are diabetic. I made loads of new friends, ate loads of yummy food and had loads of fun. It was the longest time I had been away from my mum and dad, when I didn’t know anyone, but it was so worth it. The staff were amazing and it was packed full with fun activities (one of them was caving!).

Just to mention if you are diabetic, you should go. You make loads of new friends (I still keep in touch with mine).

Being diabetic doesn’t stop you from doing anything. You just have to be a bit more careful!!

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